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Using markdown is very easy. Let’s start from the very beginning: a title of the document. Create it by inserting a few characters like this:


below the title.

This is my title

Here the note really starts. As you can see, using markdown is very simple.

And here’s the way you create an italics. Italics in the text are created by inserting the word(s) between single asterisks, like this:


Here we have bold in our introduction. You can create bold in a very similar way - insert the word(s) between the double asterisks.


And this is chapter 1

The chapter title is created by inserting the # sign and a space.

1.1. Let’s start the note

As you can see, you can create a subchapter by inserting two # characters. And what about the bullet points?

  • point - * sign and a space
  • point - and so on

Ordered list - it’s even easier. Write a number, a dot and a space.

  1. Here we continue writing
  2. And again

1.2 Quotes and notations

And here’s a clever quote: create it using this character:


For example:

Clever quote.

End of the quote. Let’s check something else, for example the notation of mathematical operations. Take your favourite mathematical operation and place it between characters like: ``

See the example:


Between such characters ` you can put all the formulas, equations, etc.

1.3. A table - see how to do it!

To add a table into your document, use three or more hyphens:


to create each column’s header, and use pipes (|) to separate each column. You can add pipes on either end of the table, but it’s not obligatory.

title title
content content
content content

1.4 Table of contents

To successfully generate a table of contents, you must have the extension “Markdown All in One” installed.

That’s how it looks:

If you would like to update your table of content or need any suggestions, try ctrl+space.

And last but not least… images and links!

Adding an image from the internet works when you put it this way:

![alt text](link to the image)

See example:

This is a random image from the internet

If you’d like to add an image from your local disc, just do the same. You should provide a relative path to image file in parentheses.

See example:

And this is an image from my computer

And finally - some useful links:

Link - documentation

Link - documentation 2